re gunera
By Helly25
United Kingdom
hi sorry I forgot to sign in!!!I'm sending a picture of the gunera as it was in the Summer.The guy is a friend who helps look after .I have 2 guneras Helly

10 Mar, 2009
This is a fantastic plant... is it a particular species of gunera... I have a place just waiting for one of these in a huge pot!
10 Mar, 2009
I didn't know the name of this plant, so thanks. The Lost Gardens of Heligan are full of them. If you look on this site for Monday, March 9 (Falmouth) (, you can see what the frost did to some gunneras in Cornwall. Charles Winpenny posts glorious photos on this site almost every day, often of his garden.
11 Mar, 2009
hi everyone .nobody is telling me how to manage the brown crown on this gunera, this winter ! ! !
12 Mar, 2009
Previous question
I think it's eaten someone!!
10 Mar, 2009