Soil improvement
By Wileysmiley
Thanks to all who responded to my question on soil improvement. I will certainly take the advice.I have already ordered a load of compost from an Eco Center
'Poppy' gave me a list of plants to that may grow in soil such as mine, I would also like to try and grow some veggies, I was thinking potatoes to start could anyone recommend any others, or even what type of tattie? thanks again
4 Apr, 2008
Hi Bonkersbon, Thanks for your reply, no as yet I have not made raised beds but I am seriously considering this. Do you if is there a recognised or recommended best height for these beds?
8 Apr, 2008
Sorry for delay in reply do not need to be tall . Railway sleepers ideal as can be laid direct to form rectangles ie 2 long each side and one across giving 12 x 6 area. Can be smaller but need cutting with chainsaw.Can then lay plank across and weed as you go.Lighter boards easier to manouvre but need securing and cant be knelt on.Many places now sell new sleepers due to popularity of this method.Dont have to do this all in one go and if no time to tend minimizes the neglected allotment look.
9 Apr, 2008
Hi wileysmiley like you inherited a jungle but think my soil is more workable.Sadly so does bramble nettle dock etc - have you considered raised beds for your veg garden.? This will minimize the amount of heavy digging allow you to introduce the soil to specific areas rotate and control crops more easily.Sorry if already up to speed with this.
7 Apr, 2008