By Kate40club
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I have some Allium Globemaster's in pots which I planted in July obviously there's no show yet...shall I wrap them in bubble wrap for winter?
10 Oct, 2011
I would put them in the border now - they get over 1 metre tall in spring and fall over and die quicker in pots. They are hardy things but need ground and not pots - unless you have a really massive and deep one.
10 Oct, 2011
thankyou both :) and yes Kildermorie they are in a half oak barrel so hopefully they will be ok : \ if not then another lesson
10 Oct, 2011
Leave them be - they'll be fine as long as the wind doesn't catch them when they're in full bloom. Your container will look great! :-))
10 Oct, 2011
Yes, just the pots, and maybe some fleece over the top if it's a severe winter.
10 Oct, 2011