By Pimpernel
United Kingdom
I have just been given a small Passionflower "Constance Elliot" in a three inch pot, the root system is so-so. I may have to pot her on, given that I only have containers, Am I going to have to keep her on a window sill until spring ?
13 Oct, 2011
I thought not Spritz...Thing is I have a very bad track record for indoor plants. Thank you though.
13 Oct, 2011
t'as always been the problem Bb...they plead an beg for more though...I keep it up for Christmas and Yuletide...I find myself flagging there after...just between ourselves......but the things you cook up help no end...
13 Oct, 2011
Think positive - you want to see her in flower, don't you - so concentrate on that. ;-)
13 Oct, 2011
Pot it on in the spring. Bathroom window till then maybe?
13 Oct, 2011
Well I see you're "Passionate" about it? Is it a Scarlet one Pimpernel? Haha. Oh dear! last whisky for me tonight ;)
Seriously though Pimpernel, I have a large south-facing conservatory, and some years ago I grew some lovely large Passiflora and the scent was truly amazing, Giant Granadilla was my favourite. I think Constance Elliot is simular to Passiflora caerulea, which are purple. I remember growing it all along the inside of my conservatory roof and every morning when I went in I was hit with a beautiful smell of Parma Violets. Alas! I had to get rid because I spent most of my time cleaning up the fallen leaves. I gave the caerulea to one of my neighbours, who planted it out against her back wall and it's growing very well. Think I'll ask her for a cutting for my pergola, haha.
Constance Elliot has lovely scented white flowers. They grow very quick with large orange fruits in the summer. They are edible but do not have an outstanding flavour.
They are classed as hardy, but I would tend to plant it out against a south-facing wall to protect it. My advice is leave it in the pot and plant it out next spring.
Hope this helps?
18 Oct, 2011
thank you Myron, It is in the bathroom window and hopefully she will make it through to spring. I did not realise they are scented.
19 Oct, 2011
I always forget to water a plant if it is just one on its own Pimpernel. I think this is a perfect opportunity for you to acquire a few more. Then every time to pop to the loo..........
21 Oct, 2011
Caerulea cuttings rooted very easy so I don't see why Constance Elliot shouldn't. The bathroom window should be ok as long as it has light. I keep an Aloe Vera on my bathroom window sill, every now and again throw a cupped handful of water on it, occasionally break a leaf off and rub the juice on my face to keep me looking young. I'm 93 next year ;)
22 Oct, 2011
I need two leaves..I let myself go
22 Oct, 2011
Constance is not only still alive one month on, but she appears to be thriving. Having grown from being a single stemmed 5 inches, she now stands at 3ft tall and has one good sideshoot.
7 Nov, 2011
Sounds as though it's doing well then in the bathroom. It should be quite big next spring if it continues to grow at that rate :o)
7 Nov, 2011
I'd say so, Pimpernel - I can't see her surviving outdoors.
13 Oct, 2011