I have a gooseberry bush which planted 3 years ago
By Karlmce1
United Kingdom
I have a gooseberry bush which I planted 3 years ago. To date it has yet to flower and produce any fruit. It is in a semi-shady spot and the soil is clay. Can you offer any advice on what to do?
14 Oct, 2011
Thank you
16 Oct, 2011
Give them a high potash feed in February. Cut back side shoots to about four buds late Feb or March depending on the weather, and take out any branched that are crossing - keep a nice open shape. It is important to train to a good shape while the bushes are young. I disagree totally about neglect being good - this method produces heavy crops year after year. They survive neglect cheerfully but don't give of their best.
16 Oct, 2011
Previous question
hi there just give it time i planted two last year i have the same story to tell be patient.also they thrive on neglect.good luck.
15 Oct, 2011