By Sanbaz
staining blackpool,
United Kingdom
hi guys me again on the pond weed problem.
iv cleared the pond out by hand i may add lol, took ages and piles of weed etc it looked great but a bit green.
so i purchased some barley straw, reading directions carefully then places half the block in the pond ensuring the flow of water went through as stated on label.
approx 4 weeks on and iv had my marigolds back on and cleared more blanket weed grrrr and oxygenating plant to. so other than taking each stone and pebble out and scrubbing individually dont know what to do.
when i see some of the lovely clear ponds on GOY i wonder what im doing wrong or do you all clear them every week or before photo shoots haha
please any help apprecciated, cheers :o)
15 Oct, 2011
hi pimpernel iv been to take a look at your pic, mine is stringy not the same kind but both bad, i have to keep on top of it cause of my fishies, cant swim with it all if i dont :o( i love those moorhens so cute :o)
15 Oct, 2011
do you have water running in off the beds around it? I cant remember. Blanket weed is a pest but grows when there is lots of nutrients in the water. fish wee/poo is another cause of it. try to avoid changing the water as this just compounds the problem. you can get a chemical called alg-gon [something like that] and that does work according to one of my friends.
sorry not that much help really. oh do you have pond snails? some would be happy to graze in the pond.
15 Oct, 2011
Its been a bad year for green water Sanbaz did you see the Norfolk Broads in July?
Try to keep anything such as soil running from the sides into the pond when it rains etc, make sure you dont put too much fish feed in the pond it will rot down and make matters worse also you want the fish to work at eating whats already in the pond. Never fill the pond with tap water even treated it will ruin the balance, save rain water if you have to top up.
I always use 2 Barley straw bags at a time in my pond tied to a string and I renew every 6 months and I find this keeps the water clear (even though I dont have a pump for movement) but they do take 6-8 weeks to start working.
The blanket weed will get less and less if you keep winding a stick in it and removing.
My pebbles in the water I just leave as I find the fish like them to nibble at and they look more natural a bit dirty. I also have a large waterlily which helps with the shade on the water as do the oxygenators. On the whole I would not worry too much as ponds go through stages but if the balance is ok they do right themselves.
15 Oct, 2011
I am going to assume you have string algae and floating algae. First all algae give off oxygen in the daytime and oxygenate the water. If you use an algicide, the drop of oxygen content will be precipitous and the lack thereof will kill your fish. Algicide effects are temporary and all forms of algae will reestablish themselves in no time at all. The string algae that clings to the side walls of your pond and water feature rocks is an esthetic problem only. Leave it on the rocks; it together with other biofilms will process fish urine and other toxins. You will notice that in the daytime the string algae will float to the surface due to the oxygen bubbles it produces. You can remove some of this but never all by taking a broom handle and taping a snow brush to the end of it( wraps of duct tape will do). To the other end I tape a pool skimming net. Take the brush end of the affair down into the pool along the side
of it. Now twirl the brush around the same as you would
do a fork in a plate of spaghetti and pull up. Remove the
ball of string algae and start another section. This way
you take control of things. Do this every week. Follow
drc726's advice very closely also. I have no bottom
dwelling plants in my pools so they do not interfere with
bottom debris removal with brush and net. Marginal
plants such as miniature cattail and water iris I do have
as well as the prolific and beautiful water iris all three of
these rob the water of nutrients that the algae require as
they reestablish themselves in the growing season you will
note the water becoming much clearer.
You thought that your work was done when you finished
the pond? Your work has just begun, garden pond require
routine maintenance some of it on a very frequent basis.
Don't ever expect your garden pond to be as clean as
your bathtub or jacuzzi, you would be doing it more harm
than good if you tried. Again Drc 726 has given you very good recommendations on pond maintainence.
16 Oct, 2011
the best thing you can do is partly cover your pond with a pagoda or a nice big lilley . my pond is 2000 gallons and the water is clearer than my tap water apart from a bit of tannin . these single cell plants need lots of oxygen . you could maybe put a screen up also and grow a nice climber on it to catch most of the sun . mine has a pagoda and in 13 years or so ive never had any of these kinds of pesty plants . my datsund nearly drowned in duckweed down the river bless him . take a look at my blog or look up nosey potter on utube . theres a couple of other ponds ive designed on there to .
16 Oct, 2011
hi Sea... yes i have small snails and only 3 fish so dont think i have alot of poo in there lol, i have alot of stones so dont think the soil gets in, thanx anyway and will try the chemical you mentioned, might be better than the one i have :o)
cheers Denise for your input, i have a lily which hasnt been good thsi year, the leaves seem to turn brown quick and think something is eating at them, seem to get quite alot of sludge in the bottom when i pull out plant life to reduse that, iv added another barley straw so as its only been about 4 weeks i guess there is still time for it to work thanx :o)
thanx eclectic, its stringy and takes over not the other algie which is little floaty bits lol, i will keep on top of it by the spaggetti method as iv been doing,the plants i have dont do much so may take them out, the marsh marigold does ok though. i knew it wouldnt be a walk in the park but didnt imagin so much blacket weed, heyho :o)
hi leigh i have seen your pond and know what you mean about shade over it, mine in full sun so what you said makes sence, in summer i will try to rethink that one and get hubby to make a screan or something to help with shade, thanx :o))
17 Oct, 2011
your welcome .
17 Oct, 2011
Nosey..! Come an look at my Gargoyle ? in my photo's
17 Oct, 2011
i had a look its realy cool pimpernel quit bird like dont you think? lol
17 Oct, 2011
It reminded me of you Nosey. Lol
17 Oct, 2011
thanx pimpernel . we got the same eyes or beak lol x x
18 Oct, 2011
Previous question
« I have just lifted container grown asiatic lilies bulbs. The big bulb's each...
I took a photo of a Goose in Duck weed (posted it today)
The Weed was at least two inches thick Sandra, the poor Moor Hen chicks were struggling through it.
15 Oct, 2011