By Uplands2011
United Kingdom
What vegetables can i plant now[october]
15 Oct, 2011
When do you set your broad beans Moon? I think I remember you saying in paper pots in the greenhouse ..... was it early Spring? Frost this morning here so decided not to set mine in the ground even though I bought Aquadulce Claudia.
15 Oct, 2011
Yes Dawn February time in paper pots in a frost free area... Given the forecasts for this winter gawd knows what we will all be doing!
15 Oct, 2011
Thank you Moongrower, I'll make a note so I dont have to ask you again.
Don't say we have another devastating Winter ahead. Looks like I need to price some fleece up.
16 Oct, 2011
I hope we will have a mild winter for a change... but who knows.
16 Oct, 2011
Onion sets, broad beans, hardy peas and garlic cloves... All will then have a start for next year, useless though if you live where we do!
15 Oct, 2011