oak tree friend or foe?
By Oaktree
United Kingdom
i have an eight year old oak tree in my garden and i have a couple of patches covering the underside of my branches of what looks like tiny black torpeado shaped sticky things, can anyone tell me what they are and are they harmfull?
15 Mar, 2009
They might be scale insects Oaktree. Try gently scraping them off with your fingernail or an old toothbrush. Spray the tree branches with a good application of soapy water. Next winter you might want to treat the tree with a dormant oil spray to smother the scale that is left behind. Give your tree a good fertilizing to increase its strength. Stronger trees stand up against attacks better than weaker ones.
15 Mar, 2009
Previous question
Welcome to GOY Sorry not very good with trees but I am sure some of the other members will help you out
15 Mar, 2009