By Nannyann
United Kingdom
Hi I have a few questions to ask if anyone can help I have planted 5 clematis this year and would like to know if and when I should prune them.They are clematis Filigree Abilene Bourbon and the other two I am not sure of the names. The other two plants are a Passion Flower and a Jasmin and should I protect these plants anyway in the winter. I am not an expert gardener but have started to put plants in the garden that are perenials as i am fed up with spending so much money each year hope one of you experts can help a bigginer Ann
16 Oct, 2011
Hi Bamboo the clematis I have are clematis filigree which is a dwarf clematis also i have a clematis abilene which is a new one launched in 2011 and the third one is clematis bourbon I am quite new to gardening so probably got a little mixed and many thanks for replying I need all the help that I can get .The dwarf clematis is in a pot can I leave it in a pot or should it go in the ground.
17 Oct, 2011
All the clematis you mention are in prune group 2, so lightly prune in spring by removing dead tips or other dead growth, cutting back to a healthy bud. I'd be inclined to put the one which is in a pot currently into the ground for winter - this will provide more protection for its roots. You can dig it up and repot in Spring if you still want it in a pot though. Difficult to find out what their hardiness is, but nothing suggests they're tender, although they are designed for patio pots which sometimes means they're not hardy.
17 Oct, 2011
Many thanks for your help and I will put the one that is in the pot in the ground Ann
18 Oct, 2011
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Regarding the clematis, is it possible you've mixed two or more names together there? There is a Clematis filigree, a Clematis Abilene, and there are Bourbon Clematis, but the name as you've posted it does not exist as a single plant. Regarding pruning, it is critical to know the name of the clematis in order to decide which prune group it belongs to - some require no pruning, some a light trim, and some cutting almost to the ground in the group of climbing clematis.
If your Jasmine is J. officinale or nudiflorum it's fully hardy. Your passion flower may be cut to the ground in a harsh winter, but usually grows again - you could mulch around the base of the plant at ground level to try to give the roots extra protection.
16 Oct, 2011