By Bezandy
United Kingdom
I wonder if anyone can help, we have been told to spray our donut peachtree with copper sulphate in both November and Spring, it's a 2 year old tree and although it hasn't produced any fruit yet looks very healthy, we have had trouble finding this spray to purchase and also wonder if this advice was correct. Also would it be wise to prune this year or is the tree still too young?
Thankyou Andrew
16 Oct, 2011
Thankyou for your help Bamboo have you any ideas on the pruning.
16 Oct, 2011
Frankly, no, I haven't - but you could go to the RHS website to see if they have any specific advice re pruning. It rather depends whether you're training it in some way as to what pruning you carry out.
16 Oct, 2011
Many Thanks will do as you suggested.
16 Oct, 2011
One thing I do know now, peaches, being stone fruit, should not be pruned at certain times of year because it increases the risk of disease and if memory serves, shouldn't be done now - but I could be wrong...
16 Oct, 2011
Thankyou, we are going to contact the supplier of the tree for advice.
Thanks again Andrew
17 Oct, 2011
I think you could be right about pruning season, Bamboo - we (Should have) pruned our cherry trees in July when it is more likely to be warm and dry as stone fruit diseases are spread in damp conditions when there are open cuts, and I have a feeling that the same will apply to peach and apricot trees.
21 Oct, 2011
Thankyou for your reply it sounds wise to leave the tree as it is over the winter but the fruit of the peach tree if we get some next year should be ready for picking in August so maybe it would be after harvesting has taken place.
21 Oct, 2011
Previous question
This is used as a treatment/preventative for Peach Leaf Curl - Google copper sulphate spray and you'll find suppliers listed, although the active ingredients are now altered because of EEC regulations.
16 Oct, 2011