By Pdb
United Kingdom
Sorry if this has been asked before. I am lifting my begonias. Not sure what to do next. Do I leave the plants intact and dry them off or cut the leaves and stalks off and dry off. Do I then shake the soil of the tuber or wash it clean? Sorry for so many questions , havent stored them before. Does the same apply to begonias bought from a garden centre for hanging baskets. Thank you
16 Oct, 2011
Thanks Bamboo. Does it not matter then if I have pulled them up before a frost?
16 Oct, 2011
No, not at all. Just depends on you whether you want to wait for a frost before giving up on more flowers.
16 Oct, 2011
Oh Yeah,do carefully clean off as much compost as possible before laying them out.
16 Oct, 2011
dont worry most questions are reasked time and time again but i feal its a nice way of breaking the ice and generaly social and friendly almost family feal of this great site . when i had a atburnard id love a pound for every persen who asked about brandy or said hes a big one . you still smile and ask about the weather lol x .
17 Oct, 2011
Many thanks for all your comments. Am I ok to use the old compost from my grow bags that have had tomatoes in to pot them up in.
17 Oct, 2011
Provided its quite dry and you didn't have any problem with blight or mildew with the toms, it should be okay.
17 Oct, 2011
Usual method is to lay them on their sides on top of some dry material like sand or potting compost (dry) in a tray or something for a while, then pull off the dead growth and I usually 'pot' mine in dry sand or dry sand and dry compost mix and store somewhere frost free till early March, when you pot up and start into growth in a greenhouse or indoors.
16 Oct, 2011