By Cosmicdave
Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Hi guys, I am new all this gardening lark, How can I protect my cordyline from the frost ? It is potted in the front garden, I have no room to bring it inside oh and its only about 2-3 ft tall, green and new ( i bought it last spring ) Thanks
- 17 Oct, 2011
Yep. High maintenance,but worth the effort.
17 Oct, 2011
Oh dear - if the forecast for this year is correct, you will be doing the in and out dance all winter. For the past 15 years, the procedure has been to bubblewrap the pot, pull the foliage up in the air and tie it in position, and fleece the whole thing, stand in a very sheltered, southfacing spot, out of cold winds and not in a frost pocket. But unfortunately, the plant should not be left like this all winter, you need to remove the fleece and untie it when the weather is milder, and then replace it all as it gets cold again. And if the winter is particularly bad, you may still lose the plant if you are unable to move it somewhere under shelter.
17 Oct, 2011