By Dinks
United Kingdom
whens the right time to dig up dahlias for winter
17 Oct, 2011
I was always told to leave them for about 2 weeks after they had been blackened by frost before lifting them, to allow any moisture in the stems to drain back into the tubers, {don,t know why} but this always seemed to work
17 Oct, 2011
I would lift them right after the first hard frost. You leave some of the stem on to feed back into the tuber - but that needs to happen in frost free conditions. A garage or shed is good and high humidity helps too to stop the tuber drying out.
17 Oct, 2011
i lift as soon as the first frost hits them and cut all back to around 6-8 inches from tuber, then when dry brush them off and store in dry compost and stick under by bench in the garage..
17 Oct, 2011
I have a free draining soil and left my dahlias in the ground over winter for 10 years without loss.( North Cambridgeshire area) I did lose them all in last years very hard winter though.
19 Oct, 2011
As soon as the first frost has blackened the leaves is the general advice.
17 Oct, 2011