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Suffolk, United Kingdom

Can you help to name this plant for me please. I was told it was a kind of a bog or water plant, is this right?........ Thanks!



Are those green, spiky, flower like things at the top, Lin? If so, it is likely to be one of the sedges - likes moist, humusy ground.

18 Oct, 2011


No Idea.....the pot is beautiful

18 Oct, 2011


could be one of the ornamental papyrus. but wont survive outside in the winter. needs to be inside.

19 Oct, 2011


I remember that we had something similar many years ago. It made a nice green house plant and the cats loved to eat it!!! They eventually ate it all.

19 Oct, 2011


Thanks Bulbaholic, yes they are like flower sprays,but all green. I bought this from a boot sale (50p) and the lady said it was a water plant but would grow almost anywhere, especially in soggy soil. Perhaps I would find it in a 'Water Plant' book.I.ll do a bit of searching.

Thankyou Pimpernel, so glad you like the pot. Its a tempered brass pot and come from the boot sale aswell (£1.75p)....thought that was a brill buy.

19 Oct, 2011


<<<<Loves a bargain, it is even nicer now.

19 Oct, 2011


:o))))))))))))) ~ Me too!! Do you have many boot sales local to you Pimpernel if so, do you go to them?

20 Oct, 2011


Oh yes Lin, I arrive before the sellers often haha! Plus the one I go to has a few Nursery Plantsmen selling their excess or stock plants. Never come away empty handed.

20 Oct, 2011


Me neither, I will always find something to buy.....What's the point of going otherwise...(Thats my excuse anyway)!!!!

20 Oct, 2011


Oh I MISS car boot sales! I used to find good gardening buddies that way.

21 Oct, 2011

How do I say thanks?

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