By Soniahallett
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
i have a hydranger which did very poorly this year because it is in the wrong place can i transfere it to a pot now it is still quite small and did not flower this year but it did in 2010 i think it is to dry for it and i do not have another place for it to go in the garden so it has got to go in a pot or just go will multipurpose be ok to plant it in sonia
19 Oct, 2011
A possible reason for it not flowering this year is if you pruned it at the wrong time. Did you know that you need to prune mophead and lacecap hydrangeas in April - and only cut off the dead flower heads and any dead wood. Don't cut all of the bush right back at any time and don't be tempted to prune it now or you'll lose next summer's flowers.
19 Oct, 2011
If dryness is your problem try mixing some water retaining gel crystals in with the compost.
19 Oct, 2011
I would plant the Hydrangea into a pot now. Multipurpose is ok, slightly more acidic is better - remember that in a pot that it will need lots of feed and lots and lots of water. So if you let it dry out too much this year in the garden you will have to water it more in a pot next.
19 Oct, 2011