By Kev_rowley
east staffordshire,
United Kingdom
hi all, how far should i prune back a brugmansia for it's overwinter rest?

21 Oct, 2011
I have also cut all my Brugmansias back, about 30 of them, bubble wrapped them and put into darkness. I took many cuttings which are now standing in upturned seed tray inners , in an 1 inch of water,in a 3ft x 1ft solid seed tray.This means I dont have to change the water daily.
That is a beautiful specimen Funguy, what colour is it? Also Kev do you keep yours in the conservatory all the year? super colour. I have had blues flowering this year , I think they are Datura's, upright flowers.
22 Oct, 2011
Are you talking about the one in the link? If so, i do not know, i just searched the internet to provide Kev with a picture as my battery is dead on my camera, so i couldn't take a pick of my the plants i've just chopped down, to show him.
22 Oct, 2011
Sorry Funguy, yes the one in the link is a jumbo plant.Do you keep yours in pots or are they planted out for the summer?
22 Oct, 2011
All grown in pots.
22 Oct, 2011
hi funguy/ianplant thanks for the tips,it's my first go at brugs,only had this since late april and it seemed ages before it started to grow,but it gained a gallop once it's only been in the conservatory about 4 weeks as the temp really dropped and it had only just started to bud.thought that the shelter might let it flower so i could see what they were like and to smell the scent,as you can see the shelter and the warm spell lit it up and the confined space made the perfume really overwhelming.what size pots do you guys use as it will def need repotting next year,they really seem rampant root growers
22 Oct, 2011
From an 11 litre pot through to one in a 40 litre and one in a 50litre pot. The ones that where in the big pots, i'll root prune next year and repot into slightly smaller pots to try and keep them shorter and more managable They got a bit too big to manage, one reached 14-15 ft and was a nightmare with any wind outside. But like you, still learning about them and their growth habits, i agree.. lots of root growth. Became root bound quickly, and kept me busy with watering so much in summer. I overfed,when in growth and the plant put too much energy into vegetative growth and root formation. But no complaints, one plant had over a hundred flowers in its last flush, you could smell it coming down the road! :)))
23 Oct, 2011
will pot mine on when ready to re start it, i do believe it,s height should be around 5 to 7 foot, but i heed your info especially the height you've reached,they are indeed hungry feeders but they do have huge leaves. don't no if different varieties let out their scent at different times, but you could tell the time with mine, always starts at 7-30 really heavy by 8, have to shut back door shortly after as it over powers the house??
23 Oct, 2011
Yes, i'm pretty sure all Brug's are the same and release scent in the evening. Around 7.30 it comes on strong,like you say.
23 Oct, 2011
I cut all 16 varieties i own, to about 12 - 18 inches, from the soil level. Then stored in dark place(under my stairs), where the temperature will stay around 10-16c.
I found this picture on the internet, see the first picture to give you an idea of how far to cut back, although the one in this pic is waking up from its dormancy and coming back into growth, so ignore the green growth you can see.You should leave yours foliage/green free if putting into dormancy.
Have you considered taking any cuttings from above the V, to multipy your stock, in the case of any problems. Worth doing if you can, i do :)
22 Oct, 2011