about sweet peas
By Williasm73
United Kingdom
I have just got some trailing sweet peas delivered they are in a little plastic tray in 1 inch of compost with good roots.
Do i need to keep them in my cold green house or can i transplant into hanging baskets.
and also how far will the trail.
17 Mar, 2009
i grew these a few years ago and they grew to about 24 ". i would certainly pot them into deeper pots but start putting them out doors from mid april to late may to harden them off. then when all risk of frost gone put hem out.
they are 'hungry' and 'thirsty' plants mind.
17 Mar, 2009
If this was me, I'd pot them with good compost and keep moist and warm now. (ie in the cold greenhouse and not outside where pests can get them) Once these roots are stronger, then you can probably put them in the hanging basket (prob. mid to late april). They will prob. grow about 18" long, depends how well they do. When you put them in the hanging basket, put in some already soaked water retaining granules, and don't let the hanging basket dry out. You could also feed once a fortnight with liquid fertiliser when they start flowering. Or alternatively, buy that compost which is specifically for hanging baskets as it contains both the water retaining gel and food for the plants for 6 months. Well worth the slight extra cost. Hope that helps!
17 Mar, 2009