By Bobobunny
United Kingdom
I wish to use the x 3 Himalayan birch in my very small garden, however, what other plants looks best at their side? Need ideas to complement them or shall I just plant apart and alone?
23 Oct, 2011
The trees have been in their pots pending planting for a few months at present. Hope I'm not harming them.
Once again thank you so much for your help.
23 Oct, 2011
Bobobunny please answer the rest of Bamboo's question - what size is your 'small' garden?
23 Oct, 2011
Many thanks for your replies - my garden planting space is approx 5ft depth x 12ft width.
23 Oct, 2011
Then definitely not the place for one Betula never mind three! How long is it since you bought them and did you tell the nursery just how small your garden was?
23 Oct, 2011
First I'd like an answer to my response under your other question, and then to know just how small 'very small' is in terms of rough measurements. Birch are surface rooting trees and do not appreciate much growing directly beneath, nor root disturbance nearby from you cultivating the soil.
23 Oct, 2011