By Pajo
United Kingdom
Does anyone know offhand if fuschia 'Delta's Sarah' is a hardy or not?
24 Oct, 2011
Definatley not hardy not in Scotland with me anyway.
But you could try but would take cuttings first as back up.
Good luck.All fuchsias need protection form frosts .
25 Oct, 2011
Looking at them in B&Q yesterday and lable said hardy but agree with previous comments.
25 Oct, 2011
I'd say not hardy. The vast majority of fuchsias aren't hardy - and the fancier they are the less hardy.
25 Oct, 2011
I've left mine in the ground during the last two winters...lost one..kept you make your choices and take your chances! (or not, as the case may be!)
25 Oct, 2011
I agree with Beattie as I lost two of mine to the first hard frost and the third one died the following winter even though they were protected by fleece...
25 Oct, 2011
Thank you all for your trouble. Much appreciated. Dug her up yesterday to join my own stock in the cellar anyhow..for this year at least. A pal aquired her from a local produce stall this Summer along with other mystery plants, she did look like a yearling,so I planted in a sheltered spot in his walled border,where she has well grown producing gorgeous semi-dub blooms...It was THOSE that threw me,looking so frost tender. Having had to seriously excavate to get out her roots intact told me she was intended for staying in situ though,which I wouldnt allow deliberately with a fuschia less than three years old, & without careful hardening off...Now my own frost pocket garden,last winter,temp's down to -18, I stupidly forgot about a year old Genie I was growing on for someone. To my delight (& phew!), it came back to life. Yet another very well known AND established variety perished,along with the Rosemary...etc.
26 Oct, 2011
I think Genie must be pretty hardy - I had a "first year" one that came through last winter without blinking. I thought I'd lost a "first year" Lady Boothby, but she made a late appearance this summer and I'm going to risk leaving her, with a mulch on top again.
26 Oct, 2011
I remember Hywel saying that Delta's Sarah did come through last winter but flowered late, so it probably depends on where you live, how much shelter you have and how deeply you plant it. He is kindly sending me a cutting next year so I am hoping for the best! But all my "hardy" ones survived last winter, including Beacon, all the Thumb family, Lena, Alice Hoffman & New Millenium.
So I would risk it with a thick mulch. (But take cuttings first!)
26 Oct, 2011
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Well, according to 'the man at Wisley', where I bought mine, it is. However he did advise keeping it in a pot inside for the first winter, then planting it out quite deeply next year. I'm sure Hywel will know.
24 Oct, 2011