Very old wisteria seed - how do I plant a round flat seed?
By Craftnutter
United Kingdom
Hi! Hoping someone can help me! I've a 10 year old Wisteria seed which I'd love to see if it germinates. I'm prepared to wait! Question is, it's a round, flat seed, with a small chipped sort of mark. I've soaked the seed overnight, but do I lay flat on the potting soil, or sideways, with the little chip pointing upwards. Any help would be much appreciated!!! Thanks!
On plant
Wisteria sinensis
18 Mar, 2009
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it wont really matter, if it germinates the root will automatically go down and the shoot up. afterall they will land anyway up in the wild.
18 Mar, 2009
Many thanks Seaburngirl, you are a mine of info., were you a trained gardener in a previous life? I'd love to be able to "read" your mind and learn everything you know, lol!!!
Do you know of a website where I can learn about growing wisteria seeds? I'm thinking of buying some seeds from ebay too, to make sure I get something growing, as I'm sure it's going to take months (if at all) to get any germination!!! Thanks!
18 Mar, 2009
no craftnutter, sadly not in this life either, but i like reading and have been curious about nature from a very young age. first word was apparently why? and i am still asking and learning. if i had my time again that is what i would do i think.
as for reading my mind i wouldnt, its full of all sorts of stuff from who's in for tea? what are we having for tea?, are there any ironed shirts? did i close the propagator vents? to why is the sky blue when i have to go to work but grey when i am off?
;o) or should that be :o( see qhat i mean?
18 Mar, 2009
Heehee Seaburngirl, your reply made me laugh out loud!!! I too like reading, but not proper stuff like gardening. I read rubbish like novels! Perhaps I'd better run down to the library gardening section.......!!!! Good first word by the way!!! :-)
19 Mar, 2009
oh i read my fair share of 'rubbish' believe me. but i have a reasonable collection of craft books too. mum taught me crewel embriodery when i was 5 and i was dressmaking at 10 so i have lots of pattrens too.
19 Mar, 2009
Ah, another "crafty" person like me then, I didn't think there were many of us left! I have a crewel embroidery kit, which I bought when I went on a day course. Love doing it, but I've yet to find a way to stitch without it hurting my neck. Little and often is the only way, but gardening is making my hands rough and I don't want to run the risk of plucking the wool! Still, one of these days! Maybe wintertime I'll pick it up again....... (hm, muses.... dreams.....)
19 Mar, 2009
BTW, I've bought some white wisteria seeds from ebay today, so if this seed (which is now germinating in the airing cupboard! after extensive research on the internet) doesn't germinate, then I'm going to try the newer seeds too!!!
19 Mar, 2009
Hello, I've found wisteria seeds germinate really easily, if sandpapered gently and put in a poly bag in the airing cupboard with a little soil in. Spray with mister a little, but not to saturate the soil. As soon as they put forth alittle shoot, transplant them into a pot. I've had 90% success rate with this. This year, for the first time one is going to flower that I grew from seed! I planted it in 2000 or 2001, so very excited to see what the flowers are like!:)
1 May, 2009
Ooooh Fionab, you're too late, but thanks for the advice. The original old one didn't germinate, I looked at it, and the inside of the seed was black and mushy. D'oh! But I bought some seeds from ebay and 5 came up! Now, I've got to look after them! Lol!
Well done you! Please post a piccie when it flowers, so we can all drool!!! Thanks again!
2 May, 2009
Wisteria is a hearty plant. I have one I grew from seed. It has moved with me from East Boston, MA to Everett, MA to Newbury, MA to PA to AZ to CA and now back to AZ and I'll be darned if it isn't budding up again. I agree with others that say once the seed has been soaked it needs to be planted right away. It will take quite a while before your plant produces seed pods. I believe it took mine about five years! I grew the plant becuase I could not stand looking at my neighbors back yard, they never kept their portches clean :-( it worked by the end of the first summer it had grown to the top of the 10 foot chain link fence and really covered up that mess behind me. Good luck with your wisteria. I'm sure you'll love it once it blooms, the flowers are very fragrant to say the least.
Good Luck
22 Jan, 2012
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Thanks so much for this info.! My instincts told me to lay it flat but my mum disagreed!! The factsheet was really interesting too!
18 Mar, 2009