By Scotkat
Hot chocolate rose has at last arrived .
A courier not Royal Mail
Should I post now or store till Spring?
25 Oct, 2011
Plant it out now, Kath - but don't feed it until early spring. It's a fantastic rose - you'll love it! :-))
25 Oct, 2011
Thankyou Girls I have just the spot to plant it and so hope its nice tomorrow to get job done.
As today dark misty and wet all day long.
25 Oct, 2011
good look for tomorrow chocolate rose sound divine :)
25 Oct, 2011
Hot Chocolate all planted now so so luck just managed before heavy rain .
Thankyou All
26 Oct, 2011
That's good, Kath! :-))
26 Oct, 2011
Think I'll have to add this to the wishlist - do you see Karen's, so beautiful.
27 Oct, 2011
A nice christmas gift :) yes saw Karens its really so beautiful..
27 Oct, 2011
Good idea Scot. Looking forward to seeing pictures of yours next year.
27 Oct, 2011
A wee while yet Dawn
27 Oct, 2011
Did you see mine, Dawn/Kath? It's still flowering now. I've been very pleased with it. ;-)
27 Oct, 2011
No I had not seen it B I shall look now thankyou.
27 Oct, 2011
I hope you find it. :-)) I sent you a pm.
27 Oct, 2011
Going to find yours now B.
28 Oct, 2011
Dawn its so beauiful
28 Oct, 2011
Yes Kath, found Barbara's, agree, beautiful.
28 Oct, 2011
Still flowering and buds on it, too! :-)
28 Oct, 2011
So in Spring what was your secret feed you used B:)
29 Oct, 2011
I didn't, Kath, because I only planted the bank up in errrr....August, was it? I did buy the seven rose bushes from good rose growers, though. It was well worth it. Each one arrived in perfect condition, healthy and either in flower or with buds. They haven't stopped flowering since, either.
I shall feed them with blood, fish and bone in the spring. :-)
29 Oct, 2011
How exciting. Which company did you order from Scotkat? I'm waiting for some too. I'll be planting mine as soon as they arrive.
25 Oct, 2011