By Vincentdunne
How deep do you plant your Cyclamen hederifolium and coum? Mine are more or less on the surface. I wonder should they be a bit deeper?
27 Oct, 2011
I snuggle them half in, half out of the ground, but as Bulbaholic says they make their own arrangement and sometimes seem to sit right on the surface.
27 Oct, 2011
Thanks guys, (goys?) I thought I read online that someone had planted them 6 inches deep. Thought it was weird ok.
27 Oct, 2011
most seeds bye nature start of in the wild on the surfice as seeds and work out for there selves how deep they want to be .
29 Oct, 2011
That is Ok, Vincent. I plant them with the top of the corm just at the surface but they often pull themselver part way out of the ground.
27 Oct, 2011