By Seafordva
United States
Is there a source for Mahonia nitens in the United States?
On plant
Mahonia nitens
28 Oct, 2011
I can only agree with SpritzH remove your e-mail address a.s.a.p. unless you like receiving spam!
28 Oct, 2011
It is a lovely species, especially the form Cabaret. I don't know if their is a supplier either as I live in the UK too.
30 Oct, 2011
Pam, do remove your private e-mail address from your question. It's not wise to leave it for anyone to see.
If there's anyone who can advise you on Mahonia nitens, they'll add a comment under mine. As I'm in the UK, sorry I can't help except to suggest that you google it and see if there are any mail-order stockists in the USA.
28 Oct, 2011