By Annieq
United Kingdom
I would like to join a gardening club, but apparently nobody in Wiltshire gardens !!
I've heard of a club in Chippenham but that is miles from me..
I have checked with the local library etc..nothing
Has anyone started/gone to a club.. what happens there and what is the best way to start one if I have too.
30 Oct, 2011
We have been and still are involved with a lot of gardening clubs. What do they do? Well, that depends on what the members want from it. The main event of a club is usually a series of talks during the winter evenings. This involves hiring a hall where the members can meet and listen to a, typically, one hour talk, have tea & biscuits, chat to each other etc, etc. Beyond that it is up to the club. Garden visits, plant swaps, self-help from othet members, just whatever floats your boat. Don't forget the annual fund raiser - coffee morning, plant sales, flower show ....
To start your own I would suggest that you poster all the local garden centers, nurseries and such like inviting anyone who might be interested to a meeting to discuss your ideas, then go from there. It will involve a lot of work but it can be good fun and very rewarding.
31 Oct, 2011
Try going on line and typing The Wiltshire Clubs and Organisations Directory then enter 'gardening clubs' that had the lists for Wiltshire which seemed to have a couple?
31 Oct, 2011
We started a small one in the village by leafleting the whole village and inviting anyone interested to a meeting. We meet in the village chapel schoolroom. We do some of the meetings ourselves, plant swaps, buying bulbs etc together, or a talk from one of us. We only pay £2, and half of that pays the £10 room hire, so we can afford a paid speaker occasionally, and we have been fortunate to find one or two folk who will speak for free, including a brilliant one by a potato farmer which was a lot more interesting than we expected, and also came up with free samples of several varieties for us to try! We had a free talk on composts from a local nursery, and were given £10 vouchers to encourage us to visit it.We visited a local nursery for a demo on planting up hanging baskets (and spent quite a bit in the process!) We look in the NGS booklet for local gardens to visit, and we have a Christmas quiz and buffet. There are only usually about 8 of us, but we have a good time.
1 Nov, 2011
Having a good time is what it is all about, Steragram. Your little group have created a very nice club for yourselves.
2 Nov, 2011
Yes, we've seen some lovely gardens this summer. I have to put a Chritmas quiz together now - and I used up most of my good ideas for last year's...
3 Nov, 2011
Just searched and found this club .
If not suitable go for it .
Do you have a community garden you could get involved in and start a club there.
31 Oct, 2011