By Jacksondscar
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have planted a tub with anemone bulbs which were supposed to be Spring flowering They have started to sprout now and I am worried that the frost might get them. Are they likely to survive the Winter and why are they sprouting so early ?
1 Nov, 2011
I often get anemone leaves in the autumn but they always do ok in the spring so dont worry.
1 Nov, 2011
Mine are the same - don't worry:-)
1 Nov, 2011
Thank you I am happy now
1 Nov, 2011
Mine have done the same. I have put them in the greenhouse for now, but mine did so last year and the snow didn't do too much harm.
2 Nov, 2011
Previous question
« Just bought a young Spathiphyllum, what sort of care does it want.??? lammie
Because the weather's so mild - they're just a bit confused. Nothing you can do, they'll put the brakes on and just sit there over winter. Mulch the top when it gets cold to help protect them by adding more compost or similar.
1 Nov, 2011