Best pot for strawberries?
By Raquel
United States
My strawberries are growing and are about 2 inches tall now - and it says to plant them when they reach 3 inches, but I don't know what the best pot would be - I've heard of strawberry pots (but I can't find one) but would a regular pot do? How deep should it be? Thanks so much if you can help!
On plant
10 Apr, 2008
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Strawberry pots are worth investing in. Make sure they are frost resistant then you can use it all year round. I have trailing ivy & heathers in mine over winter for a bit of interest. Just posted a picture of the strawberries I planted on Monday.
10 Apr, 2008
The only problem with strawberry pots is making sure every plant gets water - it is very easy for the water just to flow out of the holes. When planting mine up I found a kitchen paper tube and filled it with loose gravel then planting up normally the plants and compost etc - if you can pull the kitchen tube out and you are left with a centre section filled with gravel this allows the water to flow right down the centre of the pot. If you then fill the top of the pot with more compost and a couple of strawberries you will find they will all get some water - not just the top ones. Hope it helps.
10 Apr, 2008
wow great strawberry watering tip geniusscuffy. i just wanted to say i found an attractive strawberry pot on garden4less it comes with a net and free delivery. mine hasnt arrived yet but theres pictures on the website its metal and old fashioned looking.
13 Apr, 2008
Thank you so much for all the replies! I will look for a strawberry pot (I did see yours on your blog, Muddy boots and that's how I'd like mine - just a simple strawberry pot, no fancy designs nor fake cardinals perching on it needed! =) ) at two other nurseries and on-line. I don't think metal would work for me, Hedgehogg, because I think the plants would bake in the summer temps in Houston. But it does sound nice and thank you for the tip. The watering tip is really great geniusscuffy, and I'll keep it in mind. Also thank you Poppy for your comment - I read that the best strawberry pot should be ceramic, but that it should drain well. We don't get much frost in Houston, temps usually don't drop below the mid-thirties farenheit at its coldest - but it's still something to keep in mind.
13 Apr, 2008
I have grown my strawberries in a terracotta pot with holes around the side, and they do well. When planting up ensure you use some of the long lasting feed capsules which will last for 6 months. I then took a piece of 1.5 inch plastic pipe about 2 ins longer than the pot and drilled 1/4 inch holes down the pipe starting just below the compost level. Put this in the the middle of the pot before you plant. Watering is then a cinch as every plant gets the same amount of water just by filling up the pipe. Hope this helps!
4 Mar, 2009
It does, thank you John...wish I had known about the pipe before I planted! I think I'll try that when I replant.
7 Mar, 2009
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Hi Raquel
Last year I got a strawberry pot for mine and hopefully they will be OK ....... I have a photo of mine on my blog. I got it from a local garden centre along with a similar poot for herbs.
A friend brought some around for me when she was having a clearout and they were planted out in an old babies bath! Others were in 12" plastic pots, but the main thing was to protect them by putting them under a net covered frame to keep the blackbirds off.
10 Apr, 2008