By Shirleycrowe
United Kingdom
i have a very evasive weed heart shaped leaves small waxy white flowers with a central pointed yellow centre it also smells awful what is it unfortunatly dont have picture flowers from march to september tons of roots kind of ivy looking leaves sometimes verigated red and white as well as green the central spike is all that is left of the flower now nothing else will grow near it
6 Nov, 2011
Photo and size? Could be chickweed if it's small, don't know, if it's big. I've never noticed a smell from chickweed though.
6 Nov, 2011
Try this site. Lots of pictures :
6 Nov, 2011
that's what's foxing me, Beattie - the only weed I know that stinks is Herb Robert - and the description might suggest one of the small bindweeds, but no smell with those.
6 Nov, 2011
I think Shirley putting a photo up here is likely to give her n answer more quickly than trawling through that site Panny.
6 Nov, 2011
Houttuynia cordata?
6 Nov, 2011
Possibly... wasn't aware it smelt awful but I suppose it could. If Beattie is right it isn't a 'weed' just a rather rampant garden plant.
6 Nov, 2011
Reckon you're spot on, Beattie - and yes, it does stink... extremely invasive and will grow from a piece of root less than quarter inch long...
6 Nov, 2011
*cheesy grin*! Perhaps Shirley could google for pics and see if they match? :-) I wasn't aware that Houttuynia smelt awful either MG, but that sort of thing is quite subjective.
I can't seem to keep this plant alive - I've planted it a number of times but it just fades away on me. On reading other people's experiences with it, I guess I've been lucky.
6 Nov, 2011
Clearly a very evasive weed.
6 Nov, 2011
7 Nov, 2011
Thanks Vincent! I wondered whether to mention it! Houttuynia evades me, anyway :-)
7 Nov, 2011
Now, there was I being tactful and not mentioning the evasive bit... Shirley, you mean invasive I think.
7 Nov, 2011
No idea, nothing springing to mind from your description - maybe others will recognise it, but I'd like a photo.
6 Nov, 2011