Magnolia Danudata
By Jheath
United Kingdom
The tree is currently about 2.5/3m in height. I am not intending staying in my property for more than three years and would be loath to plant this and have to leave it behind ( I bought it for my wife as she has always loved these trees) - is it therefore possible to plant this in a pot and if so how big and would you reccomend changing each year and at what time?
Thank you in advance for your kind responses.
23 Mar, 2009
from what ive seen as my friend grows bonzi trees you can just about put anything in a pot.he bonzied some chives once its the right time now i think not.i know my friend trims his trees roots and branches in the late atum or late winter.i would not keep moving it on to bigger pots as it gets older.i would put it in the size pot you want it in in the end.i wouldnt keep shocking it.thats just my opinion friend has to trim the roots of his trees and efectavlily repot them every 1 - 2 years depending on size.its just your plant is quite big already.
23 Mar, 2009