By Georgeadair
United Kingdom
How best to store dahlias over the winter??
I have recently taken out 12/15 large 'clumps' of dahlias, each 9"-12" in diameter. There in my garage and I've got them upside down to drain but what next?
The soil ball surrounding each clump is quite dense- clean off or leave on?
What about splitting them to increase my stock? How and when?
All/any comments, views and wisdom gratefully accepted.
11 Nov, 2011
Clean off as much of the dry earth as possible, cut back the stalk to a few inches, wrap them in newspaper and store them in boxes in your garage. Label them now because if you are like me you will forget which is which.
12 Nov, 2011
Yes, rub off as much soil as you can. I would leave splitting them until the spring. Then cut away tubers with a bud showing at the top as only tubers with a growing point can grow. You can also take cuttings of the first shoots when they are about 4 inches tall. The tubers will then grow more shoots.
11 Nov, 2011