By Doug917
United Kingdom
hi everyone i just bought echium fastuosum do they need protection in greenhouse its not heated first time i have tried these they are just young plants at the moment thankyou in advance
11 Nov, 2011
thanks bamboo other question i forgot was when they actually you cut them back after they have finished and how much do i cut them
11 Nov, 2011
Pruning advice is just to remove spent flower stems to encourage more flowers, so presumably in the growing season. Handle with care though - this plant is considered toxic, may cause skin and eye reactions, so best to handle with gloves, skin and eye protection.
11 Nov, 2011
They may need support - mine tend to flop over. Even though they are listed as a biennial, mine take 3 years to flower. Also, mine that flowered this year have new growth and will flower again next year. Cut the stems just behind the last flower that opened to get a smaller 2nd flush. It is so much that the plant is toxic, but rather the fine hairs that are really annoying to unprotected skin.
11 Nov, 2011
thankyou to both of you for the advice many thanks
as i said i have never grown them before i'm always looking for a new challenge to see what can grow in my garden
11 Nov, 2011
These plants will die at temperatures from -5degC and below. Damage will occur at -3deg C, so yes, they need to be kept frost free.
11 Nov, 2011