United Kingdom
My friends are moving house and have offered me their loganberry/tayberry (not quite such which!) bushes. I have to dig them up this weekend and wasn't quite sure whether it would be ok to prune them hard before I do so. They are around 5ft tall, quite spreading and are incredibly still producing fruit, but if I don't prune them it's going to be murder trying to transport them home! Any advice gratefully received :)
11 Nov, 2011
Thanks for the speedy reply. I'm assuming I can I prune them fairly severely then - say right down to about a foot above ground? Some must be Autumn fuiting as they're still going strong now. I think there's a mixture but my friends can't remember exactly. They just put them in the ground and stood back and watched them grow! I'm hoping to be equally successful in standard free-draining soil and a sunny position :)
11 Nov, 2011
I think they are like blackberries in that the summer fruiting ones fruit on last year's canes, so if you cut them all down yo will lose the fruit next year on those. However it might be better for the plant if it didn't have the stress of fruiting the first year after moving. What I would do (and I'm sure this isn't recommended) is to cut off all the summer fruiting canes which have fruited, and all the new canes except one. Then you can have just a foretaste without waiting until 2013! You can probably assume that the ones that are still fruiting are the Autumn fruiting ones, which will fruit on next years wood anyway.
11 Nov, 2011
thank you very much - that's a big help. I'll do my best for them, and at least the sun's shining so it won't be a soggy job! Have a good weekend :)
12 Nov, 2011
Prune them to firmly establish the plant in your garden. Don't expect fruit in the first year. Not sure if they are Summer or Autumn fruiting ?
11 Nov, 2011