By Derekh1
United Kingdom
hello.earlier in the year my daughter bought her mother a
plant mothers day[a gambia apachee]i have dead heade it
and the seeds are drying in two small brown bags.?will they germinate,,also can i split the plant,,and how,,
iwellcome your advice,,with thanks
yours derek hardy leeds

20 Nov, 2011
hi myron. would you know. i keep everything now i cannot find the plastic card. but i am sure that it was as you described. but will try all you have advised and thank you
very much. yours derek .............
21 Nov, 2011
Just Googled Gazania Derek. They do look like the ones in your photo. And there is a Gazania "Apache". If it was me, I would go with that.
21 Nov, 2011
Note that these types of Gazanias are complex hybrids, so the seedlings will come in all sizes and colors, when they bloom.
22 Nov, 2011
You're absolutely right. They probably won't come true from seed, but if you divide the plant that you have it will, and you could use the seeds and see what you get next spring from them.
22 Nov, 2011
They look superb, but I've never heard of the name Gambia Apache, they look like Gazania to me. Do you not mean Gazania Apache (African Daisy)? Maybe someone on GoY will know?
If that's what they are then they are a tender to half hardy evergreen perennial, so you could bring it inside and it will survive. You can also divide the plants where they form clumps or plant the seeds that you collected in the spring and grow them as annuals.
20 Nov, 2011