A good alround fertislier
By Scotkat
Can anyone recommend a good fertiliser please.
26 Mar, 2009
Thank you Treesand thi.:) is to late to put down now.
26 Mar, 2009
I would put some down now and again in autumn.
26 Mar, 2009
Thank you very much for your advice.:)
26 Mar, 2009
I use chicken manure fertiliser - it's sold in sacks labelled 6X. Pongs a bit (especially when wet) but is strong stuff and you only need to scatter a handful and gently fork it in. I have a big garden and use no more than 3 sacks for the whole lot. It can be difficult to find a supplier but my Notcutts Garden Centre sell it
26 Mar, 2009
Blood, fish and bone is also good.
26 Mar, 2009
Yes looking for an all rounder to put into borders I work in.
27 Mar, 2009
as spritz says, fish bone and blood is good and organic , we use it all round the garden.................steve
27 Mar, 2009
You can also lightly dig in compost or composted bark
27 Mar, 2009
Be careful with fish bone and blood if you have a dog. Its like providing a "dig it yourself" picnic !
27 Mar, 2009
I use a Multi Purpose Flower Feed In Pellet form for its slow release of Nutrients. I Hoe It into Soil around Flowers/Plants In March & Again In June this gives the Plants/Flowers Energy for the Flowering/Growing Seasons :)
27 Mar, 2009
Thank you Jacque and Alif enjoy your weekend.
27 Mar, 2009
LOL - Henry discovered it, and kept licking it up! UGH. I have trained him to keep off the flowerbeds, but I have to hoe it in as well, as it is like a magnet to him! This seems to work.
27 Mar, 2009
Vitax Q4 is good hoed in around the border. I done this at the tail end of last year and my Primulas are the first to have mounds of flowers since.
26 Mar, 2009