congo cockatoo plant
By Pompeychick
United Kingdom
I was given a cutting of a congo cockatoo plant which I have been feeding with tomato feed. It has been flowering profusely for several months and foliage is very healthy. My question is when is it safe to re-pot it as it has grown considerably since I have had it and pot is now far too small - however I am reluctant to disturb it while it is in flower although it shows no sign of stopping and has new buds appearing constantly! Many thanks
27 Mar, 2009
thank you very much - was going to have ago this weekend.
7 Apr, 2009
I don't think it matters when you re-pot it. I've done mine in summer and it was OK, apart from one shoot which broke off - which I put it in a mug of water to root - giving another plant.
31 Mar, 2009