By Scotsgran
I bought this plant. The label on the pot says it is Brunnera Macrophylla Variegata but when I checked it out on the internet it looks more like Hadspen Cream because it has heart shaped leaves with cream edging. Variegata looks to have splashes of yellow/cream over the leaf. Can anyone enlighten me?

28 Nov, 2011
Thank you Bamboo. I have had a look at lots of sites and seen some wonderful Brunnera varieties. I'm beginning to wonder about some varieties and whether or not they are really different from each other.
28 Nov, 2011
The only way to know is to grow them, I guess, but you're right, many of them are pretty similar.
28 Nov, 2011
As the man on the antiques roadshow says you should buy what you like. I think that is good advice. I do like this one.
28 Nov, 2011
Yes, I do as well - Jack Frost is another good one.
28 Nov, 2011
Thats going to look gorgeous in summer Scotsgran, I have Jackfrost and I love it, there great do-ers in the garden..Mine have survived the last 2 bad winters and are evergreen in a normal winter, lovely blue flowers in spring and huge heart shaped leave's in summer, happy in shade or sun, can't go wrong with Brunnera :)
28 Nov, 2011
Yes I agree with you both, I have Jack Frost. I am a sucker for colourful and or textured leaves.
28 Nov, 2011
Me too - the flowers are secondary really, though there are certain flowering perennials or bulbs I always use, but the leaves take precedence for me. Amazing how much colour and texture you can get in a garden just from foliage.
29 Nov, 2011
I have just looked to see what variegata means in relation to plants and all it says is 'more than one colour on the leaf, which applies equally to both 'Variegata' and 'Hadspen Cream'. Some sites predict a difference in flower colour so I will need to see what I get in Spring. I'd better go and do some housework. It is freezing cold, howling gales and pouring rain. Totally miserable day for the garden.
29 Nov, 2011
Ugh, sounds horrible - not too bad here today, extremely windy but much milder than yesterday, with periodic bouts of drizzle.
29 Nov, 2011
Description for 'variegata' is heartshaped leaves splashed with white/creamy white, so that's probably what you've got there. Burncoose has a pic that looks like yours...
28 Nov, 2011