By Aina
United Kingdom
Hello everyone,
Please could any of you tell me if i have left it too late to cut back my raspberry canes.
from Aina
I forgot to add they are meant to be Autumn fruiting raspberries. But for the last 2 years they have been givingfruit from june to mid November.
Thank you Bulbaholic for your reply I will get my daughter to cut them baqck under my guidance as i am not able to do any gardening at the moment due to a trapped nerve in my neck that has taken my right arm with it.
29 Nov, 2011
If these are summer fruiting canes (June/July), Aina, then the old canes would normally have been cut immediatly after fruiting. However, it is never too late and they could be cut back now. The main reason for doing it immediatly after fruiting is that you can more easily identify the old brown canes from the soft, new green canes.
Autumn fruiting raspberry canes are cut down at the end of winter.
29 Nov, 2011
Hello and welcome to Goy Aina sorry can't help you as not grown these but sure there will be someone here that can.
29 Nov, 2011