By Olena
If you pruned your rose incorrectly( too close), can it die? What can be done to correct this mistake?
2 Dec, 2011
There is a seasonal thing here - their summer is our winter. I always cut down my roses in very early spring February/March, which could be sept to november for you lot in australia! As Bamboo says, as long as you didn't cut TOO low you may be okay. You will know sucker growth by the hardy, thorny stems produced. Rip/tear them off rather than cutting.
2 Dec, 2011
I am aware of the season thing, Avkg47 - I wouldn't have suggested feeding the rose at this time of year if it hadn't been referring to a plant growing in the southern hemisphere.
2 Dec, 2011
Sorry bamboo, wasn't suggesting you didn't appreciate seasonal situation, the feeding recommendation was obvious, I was just putting in my input to yours, and clarifying it.
4 Dec, 2011
Oh, okay - I wondered because quite often we miss the fact people are not in the UK when we answer.
4 Dec, 2011
Nothing. Hopefully you didn't prune low down past the graft point, which should be sitting just covered in the soil. If you did, all you'll get is sucker growth. If you've not fed the rose yet, give it a specialist rose feed and keep your fingers crossed.
2 Dec, 2011