what to do with daffodil bulbs?
By Daffodil
United States
due to a large renovation in the fall i dug out all of my daffodil bulbs and put them in a bucket in the shed. the work on the house won't be done for another month (late april) what should i do with the bulbs?? it is now almost april 1st: so i don't want to plant them someplace else and have to move 2 5-gal buckets wortth of bulbs a second time....if left dry and in the dark will the bulbs just bloom late and come back again next year?
29 Mar, 2009
yes I agree with moon grower. they really need to be put into pots and allowed to grow leaf and replenish for next year.
29 Mar, 2009
Have you looked to see how the bulbs are? If they have started to grow in spite of not being in the ground you really do need to plant them in something NOW, as the bulbs will otherwise use all their energy to grow leaves and flowers without being in the soil. No bulb likes being dug up and left out of the ground for months on end even if they survive and flower this year they will need a serious amount of tlc to keep them going.
29 Mar, 2009