East Lothian,
United Kingdom
I would like to plant Deschamps Goldschleier, Eupatorium Maculatum and Heuchera. It seems that I can now buy these and they would be delivered within the next few days. I thought I could order them and they would be delivered in spring. Would it be better to wait until spring (or at least February) before planting these?
7 Dec, 2011
The problem with cold frames, is how cold they get, if that makes sense? If you opt to keep the plants in pots then would suggest you double pot them, with straw/hay/paper between the pots to stop roots burning off in severe weather. However, if you have no snow or ice, then I would plant out immediately, making sure all the root is well buried. Otherwise, wait til spring.
8 Dec, 2011
I do not have a green house. I would like one but my garden is small and it would take up too much room. I keep looking to see whether or not I could squeeze one in but I think not. I've tried using cold frames for similar purposes before and it hasn't worked. Think I'll leave it until spring before I order or at least say I don't want plants delivered until spring,
Thank you for advice.
10 Dec, 2011
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I would keep in a cold frame or greenhouse plant out in the spring , they wont be doing nothing as in growing and I woudnt like to be sitting in cold wet earth keep me in my pot !!!
7 Dec, 2011