By Canada1
United Kingdom
where can I buy a hodens wonder apple tree in time for christmas delivery?
11 Dec, 2011
Howgate Wonder is one of the largest cooking apples but I would suggest that it is a rather soft apple when cooked. The old Bramley is easily the best but it is usually a triploid, which means that it needs two other apple trees which come into blossom at or near the same time to get a good polination. James Grieve would be a better contender being a dual-purpose variety but although it can be self-fertile a companion would improve the crop.
11 Dec, 2011
A dual cooking/eating apple - try as a recommendation
11 Dec, 2011
i have a james grieve but find it dosent keep very long,but a lovely apple all bthe same.
11 Dec, 2011
Hi Canada1 and welcome to GoY, I 'think' you mean Howgate Wonder Apple Tree and a google search will show several suppliers - you'll need to phone and see if they can deliver before Christmas. Even if they can't you can create a voucher promising the person the tree.
11 Dec, 2011