By Paul_simpson
United Kingdom
Something is making small round holes in my planters and eating the growing tops off my bulbs. Anyone have a preventative measure other than covering planters over?
14 Dec, 2011
Could also be squirrels
14 Dec, 2011
Solution is the same for squirrels.
15 Dec, 2011
Mice and squirrels. If this is a regular problem in your garden, you can also dust the bulbs with rodent repellent before planting them, which will save your planters and avoid netting eye-sore, though the netting is more eco friendly.
17 Dec, 2011
You can cover the netting Avkq so that it is not visible just stops the rodents from grazing!
17 Dec, 2011
What would you recommend to cover the netting on the planters on my patio? I would prefer not to use chemicals, but don't want to lose the 'look' of free-standing planters.
Thank you.
18 Dec, 2011
Simply a top dressing of composted bark or similar... the little varmints will try to dig down and fail.
18 Dec, 2011
Thank you for your info.
18 Dec, 2011
You are welcome :-)
18 Dec, 2011
Sounds like mice and the only solution is to put chicken wire over your planters and tuck down the sides.
14 Dec, 2011