By Dianebulley
United Kingdom
Please can I have for Christmas
- the address of a website which only publishes good news ?
Every BBC news item is full of horrible murders.
The Police deal with them, why should we have them served up into our living rooms ? There must be some good news from all over our lovely country - thats all I want for Christmas.
GoY- ers write good news, I thank them sincerely for that, long may they continue.
19 Dec, 2011
Answers and may be inspirational for you ... it is a small world really in the way we 'touch' each other across the globe. It is not all bad news but we need to be aware of it to appreciate the good in life. I don't suscribe to the above but it is good to occasionally log in to the good stuff out there!
19 Dec, 2011
Go out in the garden and do stuff - it helps cheer one up every time. I know it is cold and you cannot do much, but really you can still spend hours and be happy. I need to pick off the seeds of annuals and cut them back (yes I know it should have been done some time ago...), mulch my bamboo and perennials some more and fork the lawn - with all the rain I can see where it is compacted now! I am an optimist, my iPod only has happy upbeat songs, so try and avoid anything that is depressing. It is almost the shortest day - so not long till spring!!
19 Dec, 2011
20 Dec, 2011
the reasen they build stands on fast corners on race tracks is so you get a good look at the crashes . sad but true . as said go and make your own good news . take care bye for now .
20 Dec, 2011
Thank you Avkq47 and Tommy - I will try these web addresses.
Some years ago we were told that if the newsreaders complain about having to read all the depressing news they get the sack. We are lucky if we get a clip about the Royal Family/Pandas/rare Birds on the end.
I do log on to for the news from Australia.
I do make news Nosey - like many towns we have empty shops in the High St. The Council moved the TIC away from the historic Coach House by the library into the Council offices. Our M.P. supports my idea that the TIC be moved into one of the empty shops with terminals fixed connected to all the local Coach Companies. They to put one member of their staff in to deal with customers on a rota basis. Then people will be able to book their coach trips and holidays using their Debit Cards while out shopping.
20 Dec, 2011
I tried (Avk947) and am thrilled to bits with it, thanks a million. Dont want anything else for Christmas. Will try the other websites a.s.a.p.
Thank you.
20 Dec, 2011
Sounds like a great idea, but ... Councils and councillors used to work for free, expenses paid only, and represented their electors' wishes. Now, it is just big business. In Worcester, the residents are described as customers, when in reality, they are supposed to provide to us, not us buying services from them! City centre shops are being charged rates that put them out of business all too quickly. The list goes on. However, just like the French revolution, there will come a time when enough is enough ... there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Don't dwell on it too much - just keep doing what you are doing, as we all are, and eventually ... boom!!! It is just like George Orwell's animal farm out there, and 'the Truth will always out!'
As kildermorie says - get out in your garden and enjoy nature and whatever you have created or grown.
20 Dec, 2011
thats great diane . brilliant idea . i just dont watch or read the news as id rather just be nuked than know that im going to be especialy as i live14 miles away from the biggest usa air base outside america and theres another couple just as close lol .
20 Dec, 2011
Hello gardening friends, I have now tried the three websites sent to me, have enjoyed reading what I found and feel much better now.
Thank you all again. With best wishes for a happy New Year and good health in 2012.
21 Dec, 2011
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It would seem that good news does not sell newspapers or encourage folk to watch TV news reports. At least this is what is claimed... me I'd love to read/see good news too!
My good news today is that Bulba has finished the first of two new book cases so we will be able to have all our books sitting on shelves soon instead of piled up.
19 Dec, 2011