what am i doing wrong?
By Strawberry2
United Kingdom
i have been growing strawberrys for 3yrs now,the 1st yr i bought new plants and compost and containers,all is good.2nd yr my plants had red worms around the roots i got rid of these and disinfected the containers bought new plants and compost this yr these plants have no roots and the compost has got maggott like creatures in it
3 Apr, 2009
yep sounds like the grub of this nasty brown weevil. Doctorbob1 is correct, new plants are called for.
3 Apr, 2009
I found loads of these little white maggot things when I repotted mine earler this year. Painstakingly picked them all out and repotted them in fresh compost - hope they'll be OK now. I'd never seen them before and found the answer to what they were on this fab site. Does anyone know of a preventative method?
3 Apr, 2009
Yup - vineweevil grubs - they eat the roots away until the poor plant is left sitting there with nothing below the waist! In my experience, the grubs favour living in compost and do not bother plants growing in the ground. SO, if I were you I'd buy new plants and plant them out into your garden if you have one, instead of trying to grow them in containers. (They taste better like that too!!!)
Greenfinges - I believe there is something you can water on that kills them, but I don't know the name. Have a feeling s'one did a blog on it.......... But I think once the damage is done it's too late anyway. Hope yours pull through. Nasty evil-weevils......
3 Apr, 2009
Found it:
3 Apr, 2009
Its called Provado.............
3 Apr, 2009
This will be vine weevil, you will have to start again.
3 Apr, 2009