By Ianstewart
United Kingdom
Merry Xmas to all, can some one please give me advice on what I can plant. I have a small area at the front of my house and my windows are low so to try and stop people looking in I thought I would try and grow some hedgeing, but I have a problem I have drainage. I think I need something with a small root but I dont know what? Has anyone any suggestions.
27 Dec, 2011
Merry Xmas ..And remember what you plant for privacy will affect your light levels inside your house. A photo would help
27 Dec, 2011
If the problem is free drainage - how about some of the giant lavenders? They are free draining, shallow rooted and will grow to at the least 1.5m including the flower spikes in the summer. You also have the benefit of an evergreen hedge. It needs pruning twice a year only (not the first year) after flowering to take off the flower spikes and again very lightly in march just to keep it compact. Varieties of buxus are also reasonably shallow rooted. Variegated variety is not so hard frost hardy. Rosemary is another lovely scented option that can be hedged, if it doesn't get too frozen where you are.
28 Dec, 2011
Wow what great reply's. The garden size is about is 5ft from window to small fence and is east facing, Lavenders I will look into, A photo I dont think so lol.
29 Dec, 2011
Quite small..Rather than a whole block of hedge, I would try to distract the eye of passers by to the plants rather than the windows. Something striking in one of the top corners and work the eye from there.
29 Dec, 2011
I don't think a hedge is going to work in such a small space... think on Pimpernel's suggestion.
29 Dec, 2011
Previous question
« id please, hi i think it is a clematis but what is the name thanks
Hi Ian how 'small' is your small area? Which way does it face and what is you soil like? Finally what is your drainage problem?
27 Dec, 2011