United Kingdom
I have been planting roses in my garden, which is mainly clay soil. Unfortunately, on one of the beds, when I dug the hole for planting, it immediately filled with water. I tried other places in the same bed with the same result. What can I do?
28 Dec, 2011
Similar query on this question from Leicestershire ... recommended use it for water-loving/bog type plants, including japanese water irises, english flags, etc. See response for this, and also ideas from others on GOY about drainage ideas.
28 Dec, 2011
I think in all honesty that there is a serious drainage problem unless this is just something that has occurred recently.
28 Dec, 2011
Previous question
« I have a rockery in semi shade.Will mossphlox thrive in this situation?
Very little if the ground there is so water logged you will need to find another spot for your roses.
28 Dec, 2011