By Ginellie
United Kingdom
A friend of mine loves auriculas and in magazine I've seen an offer - 4 plants for £18.90 in p & p. The only thing is that I've heard they are quite difficult to grow. Any advice please?
2 Jan, 2012
I do not view primula auricula as difficult to grow. Copy and paste the link below into your web browser (not Google search) for info.
There are many more websites with advice on growing but they are no more difficult that, say, primula allionii and do well on Show benches at SRGC shows.
2 Jan, 2012
Thanks AVkq, the grower in this case is Woottens Plants in Suffolk. I don't have a greenhouse so maybe they are not for me.
2 Jan, 2012
Appart from the genuine alpine Primula auricula there are border auriculas and florists auriculas. Both have been bred from the alpine ones over hundreds of years and both look generally similar. Border auriculas are easy in the open garden as the name indicates. Many of the florist auriculas look at their best grown under glass in pots to keep the rain off of them. After flowering the pots can be put outside for the summer. At £4 odd apiece these could/should be rather fancy auriculas and best grown under glass. Even then they are quite easy when grown in the cold greenhouse in a gritty, soil based compost and repotted annually.
If no greenhouse, Gattina, then improvise a glass cover for them against a wall during the winter. Try them, they are worthwhile.
2 Jan, 2012
Thanks MG. We, my friend and myself, saw them at the Chelsea Physic Garden last year and she admired them so much I though it would be a different present. It says orders despatched within 4 days in 9cm pots.
2 Jan, 2012
Woottens is a reputable grower, Ginellie, if that's any help?
2 Jan, 2012
Summer is the difficult time Ginellie, they do not like the full Summer sun and stop growing, then start up again in Autumn. Provide a bit of shade in the Summer and don't worry if they look a sad then, they do perk up.
There are lots of Auricular Societies who will give really good advice.
MG is that link working....? I'm on new PC it could be me but I can't get it.
2 Jan, 2012
I've been growing them quite happily in a gritty compost mix in a mock stone trough on the north side of the house for several years without any problem
2 Jan, 2012
Pimpernell, the link works OK for me. Try the full address:
Ginella, these plants are priced at the upper end of the range for a collection but inc. p&p are probably worth buying. Give them a go, your friend will appreciate them. We have a local nursery by Loch Ness, see this site also:
2 Jan, 2012
Thanks..the full address links work fine.
2 Jan, 2012
Great advice as always, thanks everyone.
2 Jan, 2012
As long as they are not coming from Hillview Nursery in Shropshire. (Ingrid Millingtons as was).
2 Jan, 2012
This is not far from me .
3 Jan, 2012
IE: primula ... the high breed variety. Grow under glass, indoors, not an outdoor plant. No other info other than google for list of specialists in this area. Other GOY members?
2 Jan, 2012