By Winter
United Kingdom
Because we have had such a mild Winter my Arum Lily has not died down, I am concerned that if it does not "sleep" it will not flower. Normally at this time of the year I have covered it with leaves and cardboard to keep it free of frost. I live just outside Liverpool
3 Jan, 2012
thank you hoya105 I had considered cutting down all the growth but it looks so good again today, however I will do as you suggest and just let it be, even my fuscias are still in flower, long may it last.
3 Jan, 2012
Hi Winter I agree no need to cut the growth of your arum back. Not sure though that it is a good thing that the likes of fuchsia's are flowering now in mid winter.
3 Jan, 2012
Not much you can do about any of it - just let the plants do their thing, don't consider cutting down the fuchsias either.
3 Jan, 2012
Arum lilies are natives of South Africa where the winters are much more moderate than ours. I think it is more of a problem getting them through a bad winter than worrying about a mild one
3 Jan, 2012
Unlike many spring-flowering bulbs, Arum lilies don't need a cold dormant season. Ours are growing and blooming right now.
4 Jan, 2012
I would just let it be - if there is a cold snap perhaps give it a cardboard 'hat' or sack. They are very tough and should start sprouting new shoots at the normal time.
3 Jan, 2012