By Sodbuster
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
my begonia tubers are very large, is it worth splitting them when they start eyeing -up. I don't want to risk losing them they were spectacular last year. some of the tubers must be 6-7ins across
4 Jan, 2012
I did that with a BIG Begonia tuber I had - I called it "Big Daddy" -h and it was never the same. The cut up pieces all grew but didn't flower as spectacularly and I regretted splitting it.
4 Jan, 2012
I had a really big tuber for many years and it flowered lustily. This last season I went to pick it out of the net and my fingers sank into gunge. I chopped off the good bit and popped it in a pot, as it was, and it bloomed. It's back in a net hoping for no vicious cold spells.
4 Jan, 2012
thanks for the replies
5 Jan, 2012
The great gardener, and sadly departed Geoffrey Smith, advocated waiting until the tubers begin to sprout, take a sharp knife with a steralised blade and divide the tubers. Dust the cut with sulphur or tobacco ash and leave the cut to dry.
4 Jan, 2012