By Aina
United Kingdom
Hello everyone,
Thank you for all your replies re the potatoe seed.
I now have another question. Seeing as spring is coming earlier. When would be the best time to cut back a Buddelia Tree?
We live in Hertfordshire if that is of any help.
7 Jan, 2012
i normally prune mine twice a year, a light one in November to cut down winter damage it may suffer and a good hard prune / chelsea chop the following year may time,,
7 Jan, 2012
Make sure that it isn't B. alternifolia, or B. globosa, though. They prefer to be pruned hard in summer, after the bloom. B. davidii and it's hybrids--most of the ones on the market--all bloom on new wood, so a spring chop is in order.
7 Jan, 2012
i agree with moongrower for once lol x .
8 Jan, 2012
8 Jan, 2012
lol x .
8 Jan, 2012
Usually cut down my buddleja when I cut down my roses in late february/early march. Though this year, in mild winter, am wondering about cutting down sooner, as both are strongly budding, and don't want to lose all that energy too soon. What do you think? Will normal pruning and extra feed in spring compensate?
10 Jan, 2012
The more you prune now,, Avkq47, the more danger of serious frost damage if the weather turns cold again. It depends on how much of a gambler you are. : )
10 Jan, 2012
50/50 at the moment ... But holding back on my betting chips for a few weeks more ... Not a good time to call 'bluff'!! Feel sympathy for fruit farmers at the moment - will late hard frosts ruin their crops for this year?!
11 Jan, 2012
me to but i guess nature will sort it out . theres always a down with an up and vise verser .
12 Jan, 2012
I'd hold off until March the weather could still turn nasty.
7 Jan, 2012