wilting leaves
By 243rose
United Kingdom
i started a few dahlias off from tubers inside in pots.
the particular one in question i'm concerned about has floppy leaves when exposed directly to sun.
it is about 10 inches high and i have watered it.... the soil maybe too wet i suppose. the turgidity of the leaves recover when out of sun, why are they going floppy, is it because the root system has not fully established or something else ?????
5 Apr, 2009
Thanks for your reply.
i shall put it somewhere out of the sun until it i plant it out.
Do you think that the problem will resolve itself the bigger the plant gets. Maybe when i take it from the pot and put it in the garden.
5 Apr, 2009
As soon as the leaves mature and the plant has a complete root run it should balance, as we all know the strength of the sun has become stronger over the last few years and flagging will still occur even just after the plant has been watered. The reason being the soft fast growing leaves of many plants have more stomata i.e. Cineraria has a lot more than a Holly leaf. This is simple rural science.
5 Apr, 2009
This is transpiration, the leaves are losing more liquid than they can replenish from the roots. Shade with a leafy branch, which you can cut out where not needed.
5 Apr, 2009